Why Are We Embarrassed?

Has it ever occurred to you how silly it is that we get embarrassed about our bodies doing things that every single body does?

Embarrassed about aging. Saggy boobs. Wrinkles. Grey hair. Uneven skin tone. Acne. Scars. Fat. Cellulite. Stretch marks.

Embarrassed about bodily functions and all the inner workings of our body. Embarrassed to pass gas, have boogers, burp, bloat, queef.

Embarrassed about pubic hair, only then to be embarrassed about the razor burn from cutting the pubic hair.

Embarrassed to have sex because our partner can see all our “imperfections.”

As if none of it’s natural, or normal, or supposed to happen. As if no one else experiences it, except you.

Don’t let this perfectly curated and heavily photoshopped Instagram era make you forget how normal you are 😘 #malleable #onlyhuman




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F*ck Your Positivity