Alexis's Transformation Story

Alexis’s story and transformation after going through EmpowerHer Coaching:


What was your biggest concern before you started working with Devon?

My biggest concern before I started working with Devon was that I was always going to be unhappy with myself. I looked in the mirror and hated what I saw. I was not happy with my appearance OR with my life. I struggled with my emotions and expressing how I truly felt. I was just letting life pass me by, as I sat in misery.

What did you struggle with the most before this program and how did Devon help you overcome it?

Before I started this program I struggled with loving myself. I would try to workout and diet but would not see results quick enough so I would give up. I would tell myself, "Oh well. I’m always going to be like this for the rest of my life." This triggered binges and more self-sabotage. Devon helped me overcome all of this by showing me how to love myself. She provided me with tools to help my find myself again.

Now, it's not just about the results. For me, it's about feeling great in my skin. I’m happy with myself and can embrace any size or form my body takes. I achieved what felt like was an impossible thing to realize.

What was your favorite part about working with Devon?

My favorite part with working with Devon was always having someone to talk to. It didn't matter what I was going through, she made time for me—to listen, to hold space, to give me advice. She's not just a fitness coach, but she’s your friend. She changed the way I look at the world and myself.

What is one life-altering lesson you learned through this program? 

One life-altering lesson I learned during this program is that you are NOT your size, your weight, or your appearance. You are your heart, your mind, and your soul. You are so much more than just a body. I learned to respect my body, to care for my body, to love my body. And I also realized how important it is to take care of your head space and protect your mental health.

Are you ready to create your own transformation? Apply HERE to be apart of EmpowerHer Coaching.


You Can't Afford to Put Yourself Last Anymore


Kristal's Transformation Story