Dear Restrictive Diets

Dear restrictive diets,

It’s not me, it’s you. You’re controlling, demanding, and require too much of my attention.

I did my absolute best to show up and listen to your requirements, but it was never good enough. If I wasn’t perfect, I needed to do better. You failed to acknowledge the improvements I did make, and only focused on what I did wrong.

I’m tired of feeling anxious about constantly trying to be punctilious with your rules and the guilt that comes with it when I’m not.

I’m sick of hearing I’d look better if I lost weight.

I’m done listening to you when it comes to what I can and can’t do. I have a life to live and you can’t be holding me back from experiencing it.

I’m going to listen to my intuition instead of your arbitrary rules. I’m going to live my life in accordance to what empowers me, my body, and my life.

It’s over.

Whose with me? Show of hands if you’re breaking up with restrictive diets too 🙋‍♀️

If you want to learn a better approach, join my free course: Master Your Mindset for Ultimate Fat Loss. I’ll teach you how to lose body fat without following restrictive protocols AND teach you how to accept your body before you lose a single pound 🖤😘


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