Four Ways to Stay Motivated and Hold Yourself Accountable


You don’t.

Sometimes you’ll be motivated, and sometimes you won’t. That’s the reality of motivation, it sporadically shows up and vanishes within a second.

I know you’re familiar with this inevitable truth, because you’ve perpetually found yourself saying, “Ehh. I don’t feel like it today.” only a couple days after saying, “I’m so motivated to crush this!”

Motivation is without a doubt the most unreliable source to depend on; it’s capricious by nature and the lifespan is quite unpredictable and usually ephemeral.

This, my darling, this is why you need more than than just your aspiration to succeed—you need accountability. Something or someone to hold you responsible—especially on the days you don’t feel like it.

Because, lets face the obvious, it doesn’t matter how much you want something, there will be days—even weeks—when you don’t want to put in the work to get that something.

So, yeah, accountability.

Here’s how you can create it:


There’s something powerful about having someone in your corner, giving you that little nudge to take action. To put in the work. To do the damn thing.

Rather that someone is just sending you a daily text or actually doing the work with you—it becomes seemingly easier to do it with someone by your side.

I know for me, working out with someone, as opposed to doing the whole solo thing is far more easier and enjoyable.

Two is better than one.


Hiring a coach is one of the best investments you can make for innumerable reasons. The investment itself holds you accountable, because if you’re like the majority, you don’t want your money to go to waste. And in addition to that, you’re coach is checking in with you and helping you create a plan of execution when you’re in the midst of turbulence.

All and all, they keep you on track and help you proceed with purpose.


You’re more likely to follow through when you tell various people what you’re working toward. It’s called the power of social expectations.

This is why starting a fitness IG account or simply proclaiming your goals on social media is such an impactful weapon.

You see, it isn’t that you’re saying your goal—it’s that you’ve declared it to the public and now you have people watching you—people who aren’t you and that’s important.

You’re drive is automatically heightened when other people are involved. You don’t want to let them down and you certainly don’t want to look like a failure.


Rewards make you work harder to get what you want. And sure, while the end goal is, in a way, the reward—having little incentives along the way to complete those mundane tasks is certainly persuasive.

This could be daily, weekly, or even monthly rewards. They can be both small or big.

Lulu Lemon leggings always convince me. It’s my own form of manipulation to get anything done.

There you have it. Four effective ways to help you get shit done when you don’t feel like it.




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