Give Yourself Permission to be an Utter Mess

Give yourself permission not to have it all together. To detach from the unreasonable expectation of perfection. To be a mess. To be discombobulated. To look at your life and accept the disarray, free of judgement.

Give yourself permission to acknowledge the full spectrum of emotions you can experience and to know each one of them is allowed to be expressed, to be felt, to be seen.

Give yourself permission not to be okay. To stop numbing, avoiding, and ignoring the discomfort. To realize suppression is not of service to you, because those uncomfortable emotions will fester. They’ll consume every fiber in you’re being if you bottle them up. To feel them is to also relinquish them. To grow from them. To heal from them.

Give yourself permission to stop people-pleasing and to start self-pleasing. To declare your boundaries, even when they don’t fit the other persons desires. To finally say no to someone else, so you can say yes to yourself.

Give yourself permission to provide for YOU in the same way you do for others. To give yourself the love, the compassion, the kindness, the gentleness, the forgiveness, the acknowledgment, the care.

Give it to yourself. You owe it to yourself. ⚡️




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