I Ate Reese's Cups Every Single Day This Week

There are only a few foods I could eat every single day and not get sick of it—Reese's Cups are one of those foods.

In fact, my girlfriend, Kat, bought me an entire container of them and I've had one (sometimes three) every single day for the past week.

This is called moderation.

A concept that I was completely incapable of applying to my dietary habits in the past. I couldn't quite wrap my head around how anyone could just have one serving, because for me it was an all or nothing thing that frequently spiraled into a full out binge. Five cookies would transition into "Fuck it. What else can I eat?"

The main cause for this (and for many people) is that I never practiced moderation—I only practiced deprivation. I was always following diets that mapped out what foods I could and couldn't eat. And sure, while I could eat those foods on a cheat day, it was only allowed once a week—nothing outside of that. So when the opportunity of indulgence presented itself, my response become to consume all the food since I wouldn't be aloud to eat it the next day and since I already "messed up." There was absolutely no room for moderation and that is why it was foreign to me.

It wasn't until I started actively implemting moderation into my lifestyle that I started to finally grasp the concept. I now successfully have one serving or even just a bite at times which is honestly powerful since I spent years before this struggling.

All is to say: this was not an overnight process—moderation came with practice. It came with trail and error. It came with giving myself compassion when I slipped up. It came with eliminating the notion that having a cookie equates to messing up, because it doesn't. It came with letting go of the idea that food is either "good" or "bad" because it's not—food is just food. And last but not least, realizing that it's a smarter choice to eat a serving of Reese's Cups every single day that fit into my allotted calories instead of balling all out and exceeding my calorie intake—science says.

And for those who claim that moderation is just an excuse to eat whatever you want, you are absolutely right and I am in not ashamed of it. 




Don't have time to workout? Try this!


I broke up with my boyfriend after a month of living together