What The F is Bacterial Vaginosis?

Your vagina is high maintenance. She craves your attention and has very delicate needs. The minute you don’t treat her the way she wants to be treated, she retaliates...

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And in some cases, you wind up with BV.

What the fuck is BV!? πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

BV stands for bacterial vaginosis. It is not an STD. It develops when when there’s a disruption to the normal vaginal flora. In other words, there’s a change to the PH of your vagina. In order to maintain a solid PH balance, the good bacteria and bad bacteria need to be in healthy harmony. This can be difficult to do considering all the things that go in your vagina and around your vulva.

BV can be caused by a myriad of things, including:
>> harsh chemicals and fragrances
>> not changing your tampons regularly
>> frequent sex partners
>> clothing
>> poor diet

The main characteristic of BV is the odor. Typically, you’ll notice your vagina smells different or perhaps the smell is heightened.

If you have it, don’t be alarmedβ€”it’s treatable, it’s common, and you’re not alone. About two out of five women have BV, but 84% of women don’t even realize they do; most women don’t even know what it is. Depending on how bad the imbalance is, it can dissipate on its own in a few days. But if not, see your gynecologist so you can treat it with antibiotics.

BV is known to be a reoccurring infection, so it’s not unlikely you’ll get it again.

Some things to consider to help prevent BV:

> Apple Cider Vinegar πŸ€ͺ
> Let that bitch air out
> Don’t sit in sweaty gym clothes
> Buy cotton underwear
> Avoid the harsh chemicals and fragrances found in many soaps, lubricants, condoms, tampons, and pads.
> Thoroughly clean her with water, daily.
> If you prefer to use soap to wash her (it’s not necessary), use unscented soap. I like Dr. Bronner’s. And if you do use soap, stick to the SAME soap. Changing it up can throw off the PH. She doesn’t like being introduced to new things. She prefers familiarity.

So there you have it.

Lessons on your vagina from your favorite slut πŸ’‹



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