People's Opinons of Your Body Have Nothing to do With You

When someone makes a comment about your body, it has very little to do with you, allow me to elucidate...

Yesterday, my client was feeling triggered because a family member made a comment about her body.

As we took the time to unpack the stuff coming up for her, I asked, “where do you think they learned that belief about bodies?”

Here’s the thing.

We’re still living in a world that shames bodies for their size, their color, their shape, their abilities. We’re bound to encounter people who project the indoctrination of body shame. That’s kinda what makes loving your body so damn difficult.

Which brings us to this...

They‘re parroting beliefs they learned. They learned it like you learned it. The only difference now is you’re unlearning those beliefs and they aren’t.

They’re still operating under the belief system you’re working to rewrite. So when they project their beliefs about bodies onto you, remind yourself, this isn’t about me. It’s about their belief system.

And you can stand powerfully in your agency and set a boundary, educate them, or simply respond with, oh we don’t hold the same beliefs.

You get to CHOOSE what you believe about your body 👏 Even when the world and the people in your life think differently, you can say, actually I disagree because I know I’m more than my body.


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