Are You Spreading Yourself Thin Just to Feel Good Enough?

You’ve been taught to go through extreme lengths, HUSTLE, and spread yourself thin to achieve an arbitrary status just to feel good enough.

Enoughness, confidence, happiness, worthiness, all the beautiful things we all long for are conditioned to be found externally.

“You’ll find it *after* you achieve success, popularity, intelligence, flawlessness, and look a certain way.”

This is the exact notion that’ll hold you back from feeling good about yourself, right now, and understanding your birthright.

You’re enough not because of what you create or who you are, but because you were born.

You’re value has been placed far too much on things outside of you, and it doesn’t belong there.

So this is you’re reminder that wherever you are in life, however you feel, whatever you look like, you’re enough simply because you exist.

Let’s affirm it, comment below, and say, “I’m enough.” 💫


Thank you, 2020.


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