Does Dieting Really Work?

Why you should say fuck diet culture and probably eat the damn cookie 🍪:

Diets force you to rely on an external guide to eating which determines what time you can eat, what food you can eat, and how much you can eat.

On the surface, this way of eating doesn’t seem problematic, until you analyze what happens when you’re dieting:

💀 You begin to view food as good or bad

💀 Obsess over the food you can’t eat

💀 Experience food fear and food guilt

💀 Become preoccupied with your diet

💀 Ignore your hunger signals and cravings

💀 Feel out of control around food

💀 Adapt an all-or-nothing mentality, which leads to binging when you “mess up”

💀 You blame yourself instead of the process of dieting

If you want to build a healthy, harmonious relationship with food then dieting clearly isn’t the answer.

It’s hard to feel normal around food when you’re following arbitrary rules and demonizing certain foods.

Your body knows what’s best for you and the longer you diet, the more you lose touch with your internal cues and erode your ability to trust yourself around food.

Your body is always communicating with you and when you practicing tapping into that internal chatter, listen, and honor it (and yes that means eating the damn cookie when you’re craving it)—the healthier your relationship with food and your body becomes.

If you’re struggling to establish a healthy relationship with food, your body, and movement—EmpowerHer Coaching is for YOU. You and I will work together to ditch diet culture, build trust within yourself, and be able to live a healthy lifestyle that’s filled with pleasure. Head to the link HERE to apply.


Are You Spreading Yourself Thin Just to Feel Good Enough?


Are You Stuck in the Dieting Trap?