Have You Heard of Hustle Guilt?

If you’re not working hard enough, you’re not doing enough.
If you skip your workout, you’re lazy.
If you’re tired and low, you need caffeine, not rest.
If you don’t meal prep and eat punctiliously, you’re guilty.
If you’re not motivated, something’s wrong with you.
If you’re not happy and positive and shitting rainbows, you’re broken.
If you’re not living perfectly, you’re not worthy.

We’re expected to carry a facade, drink copious amounts of caffeine, and keep on doing.

And the side effects are insidious:

You’ll work tirelessly
Experience more stress & unnecessary pressure
Deal with chronic burnout
Feel ashamed for your emotions
Distrust your internal compass
Neglect your needs
Feel guilty for everything you’re not doing

Where is the encouragement to honor our emotional process? Where is the reassurance that we’re worthy no matter what gets left undone? Where is the reminder that we need to rest and a fucking break?

Where is the space to just be human?

Our emotions, energy level, and motivation fluctuate everyday—this is natural, this is allowed, this is OK. Nonetheless, our society, forbids this process and shames us for having it.

These structures and narratives are built upon a capitalistic society and it’s an agenda does not serve your well-being.

I’m over it and I know you are too.

So I’d like to give you permission to tell hustle culture to fuck all the way off because your mental health requires rest. To give yourself the space to feel whatever is coming up for you because that’s part of the human experience. To remind yourself you don’t need to feel guilty for not crossing off everything on your to-do list, because whelp, we may not have time or energy.

To be slow, to be easy, to be adaptable, to be.

Because you don’t actually have to show up with regulated energy, unstoppable motivation, and view the day through a pollyanna lens.

To being human


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