Three habits that’ll make your life exceptionally better, and less stressful:

Three habits that’ll make your life exceptionally better, and less stressful:

📱 Turn off *all* notifications.

That constant ding creates a sense of urgency. The minute you see a notification pop up on your phone, there’s an impulse to check it.

It completely hijacks your attention, and now you’re thinking about all the things, all the people that want an answer. It’s never-ending.

It’s not uncommon either to feel an obligation to respond right away, and when you don’t, you’re *thinking* about how you have to respond. Stressful, isn’t it?

Turn that shit off. All of it. Including your text messages. It gives you space from the noise, automatically dissipates anxiety, and now you get to choose when you want to see your notifications.

☀️ Stop reaching for your phone first thing in the morning.

That mindlessly scrolling and email checking upon rising IS NOT HELPING YOU.

Checkin with yourself first, honey. How are YOU doing this morning? Forget the rest of the world for a just a minute.

I promise your mornings will start off entirely different in the best way possible.

Take 5-15 minutes, at least, to be with just you. Go make coffee, drink a cup in silence. Journal. Meditate. Read. Go for a morning walk. Breath.

☠️ Boundaries. Everyone loves talking about boundaries, and forget to create them with their phone; the very device that has the effect of damaging your self-esteem, robbing you from the present, keeping you disconnected, and even more stressed.

Create 1-2 boundaries this week, and/or certain times that encourage a digital detox. A simply boundary can look like not checking social media past 7pm.




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