The Most Life Changing Experience I've Ever Had

Like Hermione, I’m constantly searching for answers inside books. It is commonly the first place I reference whenever there is an area in my life that needs healing, adjusting, and improvement.

Whatever I’m currently grappling with—relationships, communication, polyamory, self-acceptance, seduction, sex, trauma—I find a book on it.

And *almost* always, it helps. Books are powerful in that way. You can find the exact tools you need to solve your very problems, and have a sentence perfectly capture how you feel, and suddenly your entire life makes sense. And if you truly apply the lessons learned, I wholeheartedly believe that by simply reading a book you the ability to dramatically change your life.

However, like I said, “almost” always, but not always do they help.

There was a point in my healing, where I was reading books cover to cover, getting my hands on everything. And it wasn’t helping, at least not to the extent I truly needed.

I was trying to heal myself, by myself, and that’s when I realized books didn’t have the answers this time.

I needed support.

Sometimes you actually need help. Not the self-help through information you gather from a book, or an Instagram post, or a google search.

You need help from a real human being. And that’s okay. You can’t always help yourself, and you don’t need to.

Books are wonderful. But books aren’t people.

People offer a safe space to talk, personal guidance, an objective opinion, a push, accountability. They will call you out on your shit and show you your blind spots.

So, I invested in myself and decided to work with someone (shoutout to @operation_moksha ). It was the most life changing experience I’ve ever had, more powerful and healing than any book, any google search will ever provide.

I get that most of the time you can find the answers free online, but nothing comes to close to the experience you get when you invest in someone who knows exactly how to help YOU specifically.

You get to your hearts deepest desires faster, with more ease, and less frustration.

The investment is worth it. It’s worth paying for a service temporarily to get back a feeling that’ll last you a lifetime.



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Three habits that’ll make your life exceptionally better, and less stressful:


Fatherless on Father's Day