Experience More Confidence & Pleasure in the Bedroom

Fun Fact! orgasms primarily happen in the brain 🧠💦 and part of having a pleasurable sexual experience is about completely letting go, surrendering to the present, and being connected to your body.

But, that can be really hard to do.

We tend to live in our heads, more than we live in our bodies. The humanness in us loves to give our attention to our thoughts and listen to all the noise—and that habit is sometimes brought into the bedroom.

More than that, the thoughts pulling at your attention are probably unsexy. You might be thinking about your body, the way you look in certain positions, what your partner thinks, work, and all the things you have to do.

You’re encumbered by insecurities, shame, stress, and pressure. A total pleasure kill. 💀

Of course, addressing the insecurities and shame stories *outside* of the bedroom is an important aspect to feeling more connected and comfortable in your body.

But as you work through that—which takes time—here are three tools you can implement *in* the bedroom right now to have more present, electrifying sex.

1️⃣ Give your attention to how you *feel* in your body, how it feels to be touched, and kissed—as opposed to how you look.

2️⃣ Focus on your five senses. What do you feel? What do you see? What do you hear? What do you taste? What do you smell?

3️⃣ Connect to your breath. When your mind starts to wander, come back to your breath. Inhale, exhale.

Cheers to more pleasure!




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