It's Okay if You Gain Weight.

Weight gain during a global pandemic is normal and is not a problem, but of course that’s hard to internalize when we live in a fat-phobic culture.

Quarantine15 memes are treading. Diet culture says you should be dieting. You’re pressured to stay lean and teased if you don’t.

It makes perfect sense as to why you demonize certain foods and behaviors and can’t seem to figure out how to find peace and acceptance toward your body.

All this harmful, unhelpful bullshit you’re fed keeps you at war with your body and fails to address something really beautiful: your body is designed to protect you—to keep you alive, healthy, and safe.

So, guess what? If you’ve noticed your appetite has increased and you’ve gravitated toward comfort food in quarantine—it’s normal. This is a natural stress response and simply means your body is doing it’s job.

It’s a safety mechanism. Your body is strongly invested in protecting you—not looking a certain way—and this is it’s way of doing just that.

Let’s not hate our bodies for doing their job. Let’s thank them for it instead. ♥️ K? K. I’m going to go eat another Snickers now. Bye. Luh you.


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