Will Changing Your Body Change Your Insecurites?

I thought if I change my body, it’ll change the way I feel about myself. I’ll finally be able to look in the mirror and love what I see. I’ll finally be able to have sex, comfortably. I’ll finally be able to wear crop tops, bikinis, and not want to hide my body in baggy clothing.

I thought, maybe, just maybe, I wouldn’t be consumed by my insecurities anymore. That I could finally be present, instead of worry about how others perceived me. That I could finally live my life. ⠀
I changed my body, and that didn’t end up being my experience. It further exacerbated my obsession, and perpetuated the dysmorphic beliefs.

I was living in the body that I thought would bring happiness, but I wasn’t happy, I just felt more pressure to maintain my aesthetic—at all times.

Because changing your body will not fix your insecurities, despite what the fitness industry might have you believe.

Yes, you do feel better *in* your body when you take care of it, but to feel better *about* your body you gotta change the way you think about it, not the way it looks.

Because honey, your happiness and your worth isn’t contingent on a single aspect of how you look.

And that’s what I show inside of EmpowerHER Coaching. I’ll teach you how to honor your body through movement and nutrition in a way that isn’t obsessive or time consuming or hard. And, most importantly, I’ll give you the very tools you need to realize your body is enough—right now—and you don’t need to change it to feel that way. You’ll learn the many facets of self love.

If you’re done hating your body, and if you’re ready to love it—in whatever way it looks, on any given day—this coaching program is for you.

Click HERE to apply to work with me one on one ✨ ⠀


If You Keep "Falling Off," This is for You


Can I Kiss You?