If You Keep "Falling Off," This is for You

You’re going to mess up, slip up, revert to your old patterns, and habits. You’re going to fail. Over and over.

You’re a human, and your humanness is far from perfect.

Yet, you consistently put this unrealistic expectation on yourself to do it all, change it all, and follow it all, flawlessly.

How’s that been working out for you?

I know this pattern all too well. I know the minute you inevitably don’t live up to your standard of perfection, you berate yourself for not getting it right, and decide you’ll never change so you give up.


The problem isn’t the mistake, it’s thinking the mistake is the problem and letting that mistake stop you from moving forward.

If you want to be successful, at anything, you must accept and expect you’re not always going to get it right...especially in the beginning.

And it’s okay.

When you build a healthy relationship with your mistakes and start to view them through a different lens, I can guarantee you’ll finally affect the change you desire.

That’s the reason my clients are so successful. It’s not because they follow the program perfectly. It’s because I tell them they’re not going to get it right, and when that happens, to use it as feedback and move forward.

Your missteps are actually extremely valuable, because it’s data. It gives you the opportunity to explore and say, “hey, okay, that was fucking hard, what could I do differently next time or how could I make things easier?”

So, here’s your permission slip to get it wrong and not let that derail you but let it guide you, teach you, so you can do better next time.


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