Four Ways To Improve Body Image

Four ways to improve your body image:

🚫 Ditch The Scale

You don’t need to know how much you weigh, because the number is meaningless. Your worth, and even your health is not contingent on reaching an arbitrary number.

🧠 Practice Mindful Consumption

What’s your brain eating? Be cognizant of the messages and images you’re consuming, especially on Instagram. Go through the people you’re following and unfollow those who trigger dysmorphic beliefs and perpetuate damaging narratives. Follow accounts that promote body diversity.

Your IG feed should elevate your self-worth, not destroy it.

♥️ Treat Your Body With Respect

Shift your focus on how you can respect your body and honor it’s needs, in place of doing things for the sole purpose of changing your body. What would make you feel good? How can you treat your body with care today? What actions can you take that’ll elevate BOTH your health and your happiness?

This could look like...
> fueling your body to the point of satisfaction
> participating in movement that‘s enjoyable
> prioritizing sleep (invest in a good mattress, buy an eye mask, turn on white noise, go to bed earlier)
> giving yourself permission to do absolutely nothing
> buying clothes that fit you and make you feel sexy
> getting a massage

💦 Do Things That Foster a Deeper Connection With Yourself and With Your Body

Connection is a universal feeling we all crave and desire, but we often fail to build that connection with the most important relationship in our life: the one with ourselves. Spend time connecting with yourself and your body this week. Here’s a list of things I enjoy doing: dancing, taking myself on a date, indulging in solitude, masturbating, giving myself a hug, journaling, self-reflecting.



Sex With The Lights On

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    Letting Go of What People Think About You


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