Letting Go of What People Think About You

Of course you care about what other people think. Biologically, you are programmed to care.

It’s normal and natural to care. To want to feel a sense of belonging. To want to feel accepted, loved, cared for, desired…especially from those whom you love or lust.

The problem isn’t that you have those desires or that you care about what others think of you. It’s when you take their opinions and actions way too personally and let it dictate how you feel about yourself; when you heavily depend on others to validate you and their validation becomes your life-line to worthiness—that’s when it’s problematic.

It’ll rob any chance you have of strengthening the relationship you have with yourself, developing that internal confidence, and living a more care-free life.

People WILL inevitably criticize, judge, and reject you—throughout your entire existence. You’re not invincible to rejection or judgement—no matter what you look like or who you are. ⠀
You can change your attitude, change your body, change the way you speak…but regardless of those changes, you’re still going to experience rejection.

And when it happens, as it will, it will probably hurt your feelings—and that’s a valid reaction. You’re allowed to sit there and say, “Fuck. I value your opinion of me and what you said really hurt my feelings.”

All that’s okay, but what you don’t need to do is let whatever they do or say define you…because it doesn’t define you.

The way someone feels about you doesn’t mean that’s how YOU should feel about you. If someone rejects you, it’s not your permission slip to reject yourself.

You dis-empower yourself when you give others all the power to control how you feel about you.

When your job becomes a search for gaining approval from others, you’ll never be happy with yourself, because you’re not in control of how others perceive you or how they feel about you.

But the beautiful thing is, you are in control of how you feel about you. And that’s what you need to focus on. Because ultimately the only opinion of you that matters is your own.

So, let’s start shifting the focus on the way you feel about you, independently of how others feel about you.



Sex With The Lights On

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