How to Support a Friend Struggling With Body Image

How do you to support a friend struggling with their body image? A query I get asked often. I figured a post would be appropriate.

  1. Avoid conversation about fat loss, fat talk, and diets.

    These conversations can be incredibly triggering, reinforce toxic beliefs, and encourage them to fall back into old patterns. It’s best to steer the conversation away from dieting and weight loss and talk about things that actually matter ;)

  2. Ask what support would look like for them.

    Don’t assume what support is for them, ask them. Sometimes we get carried away in the egoic, “I-know-what’s-best and this is what you need to do” instead of meeting the human in front of us and asking how we can support them in the way they truly need (and not in the way we think they need). Our intentions may be pure, but impact is everything. Ask. Ask. Ask. No more assuming.

  3. Send them body positive articles, posts, and accounts.

    This is a great way for them to be surrounded and exposed to content that elevates and helps their healing journey

  4. Compliment them on things unrelated to their appearance.

    Tell them why you love them: because they are more than their appearance and this is a wonderful way of reminding them.

  5. Validate their pain.

    Let them know they’re not alone in the struggle and you’re there to listen. Never underestimate the power of space holding.

  6. Create conversation around purpose and meaning.

    Our life's purpose isn’t to look a certain way and sometimes when we lack purpose and meaning, we hyper-focus on appearance. This is a great way to open up the conversation and explore what that looks like for them.

  7. Remind them that their body is the least interesting thing about them.

    They have so much more to offer the world, because sometimes all they need is a little reminder and nudge in a loving direction.

  8. Last but not least, encourage them to seek professional support.

    A body image coach, if i do say so myself, is a wonderful way for them to get the help and care they need to heal.

If you or anyone you know is looking for support to heal their relationship with their body, EmpowerHer Coaching might be the support system needed.


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