Are Negative Thoughts Normal?

Do you feel like when you’re wearing a bikini, your insecurities tend to cloud over you? Your thoughts are preoccupied with how you look rather than how much fun you’re having (or could be having)? You think things like...

 “I look gross”
“Her body is better than mine”
“I don’t want to take my clothes off”

What if I told you that all these thoughts are harmless? And they don’t have to hold power over you?

What most “self love gurus” don’t tell you is that negative thoughts will come up—and that’s okay.

A thought is just thought; you will have weird ones, silly ones, positive ones, uncomfortable ones, and negative ones.

But these thoughts will only affect you when you get lost in them—when you attach yourself to the story and believe it as true.

But, you are not your thoughts. Don’t latch on to them, don’t let them control you and don’t let them take momentum.

You deserve to frolic around in your bikini without a single concern about your appearance, because your body is not wrong. There is absolutely nothing to worry about.

Drink your marg out of a red solo cup (because glass in water is dangerous - duh) and lounge around on inflatable tubes.

Have fun, relax, and stop giving fucks about things that aren’t worth giving a fuck about.



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Do You Feel Insecure In A Bikini? Try This.